A quiz book on electrical and electronics engineering: multiple choice question and answer D. K. Singhai and J. C. Gupta

By: Singhai, D. KPublisher: Delhi Khanna Publishers 1995Description: ii,792pSubject(s): electrical and electronics engineeringDDC classification: 621.3
Units (Page-1) Resistance and Temperature Coefficients (Page-14) D.C. Circuits (Page-21) Electromagnetism (Page-37) Electromotive Force (Page-52) Electrostatics (Page-52) Electrolysis secondary and Primary Cells (Page-68) Direct Current Machines (Page-80) A.C. Circuits (Page-127) Polyphone indications Motor (Page-143) Transformer (Page-151) Polyphone indications Motor (Page-182) The alternator (Page-219) Synchronous Motor (Page-236) Cross field Dynamics (Page-241) Converting Machinery (Page-243) Generation (Page-259) Economics of power Generation (Page-284) Interconnecting stations (Page-295) Constant of over head transmission Lines (Page-313) Underground Cables (Page-385) Power System Stability (Page-426) Electric Drives (Page-511) Electric Measurements (Page-557) Illumination (Page-639) Electric Traction (Page-658) Networks (Page-673)
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Units (Page-1) Resistance and Temperature Coefficients (Page-14) D.C. Circuits (Page-21) Electromagnetism (Page-37) Electromotive Force (Page-52) Electrostatics (Page-52) Electrolysis secondary and Primary Cells (Page-68) Direct Current Machines (Page-80) A.C. Circuits (Page-127) Polyphone indications Motor (Page-143) Transformer (Page-151) Polyphone indications Motor (Page-182) The alternator (Page-219) Synchronous Motor (Page-236) Cross field Dynamics (Page-241) Converting Machinery (Page-243) Generation (Page-259) Economics of power Generation (Page-284) Interconnecting stations (Page-295) Constant of over head transmission Lines (Page-313) Underground Cables (Page-385) Power System Stability (Page-426) Electric Drives (Page-511) Electric Measurements (Page-557) Illumination (Page-639) Electric Traction (Page-658) Networks (Page-673)

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