Routledge international handbook of crime and gender studies /
International handbook of crime and gender studies
edited by Claire M. Renzetti, Susan L. Miller, and Angela R. Gover.
- London ; New York : Routledge, 2013.
- xvii, 315 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
- Routledge international handbooks .
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Preface -- Introduction -- Theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of gender and crime -- Historical and international developments in conceptualizing gender and crime / Jeanne Flavin and Lilly Artz -- Moving research to practice : unlikely partners in the conduct of ethical research / Catherine Cerulli, Christina Raimondi, and Corey Nichols-Hadeed -- Gender and victimization -- Theoretical explanations for gender differences in fear of crime : research and prospects / Jodi Lane -- At the intersections : race, gender and violence / Nikki Jones, and Jerry Flores -- The gendered nature of violence : an international focus / Holly Johnson -- Gendered pathways to crime : the relationship between victimization and offending / Dana DeHart and Shannon Lynch -- Gender and offending -- Prostitution : the gendered crime / Jody Raphael and Mary C. Ellison -- A gendered view of violence / Denise Paquette Boots and Jennifer Wareham -- A 21st century look at gender, drug use, and theft / Tammy L. Anderson -- Where are all the women in white-collar crime? / Mary Dodge -- Sentencing and punishment / Cassia Spohn and Pauline Brennan -- Corrections, gender-specific programming, and offender re-entry / Mary -- Gendered work in the criminal justice system -- Policing styles, officer gender, and decision making / Christina DeJong -- Gender and minority representation at the bar and on the bench / Cynthia Siemsen and Kimberlee Candela -- From resistance to integration : the influence of gender in the corrections work environment / Marie L. Griffin -- Future directions in gender & crime research -- Gaps in knowledge and emerging areas in gender and crime studies.