Verma, M. K.

Encyclopaedia of journalism & mass communication / M. K. Verma. - New Delhi : APH Publishing Corporation, 2011. - Conti... pagings

vol. 1. News reporting and editing. -- vol. 2. Information technology in journalism. -- vol. 3. Media and public relations. -- vol. 4. Mass communication and its digital transformation. -- vol. 5. Media and journalism. -- vol. 6. Modern journalism. -- vol. 7. Multimedia journalism. -- vol. 8. textbook of mass communication.

Communication in its simplest sense is a human�Relationship�involving two or more persons who come together to share, to dialogue and to commune, or just to be together say at a�Festival�or a time of mourning. Communication is thus not so much an act or even a process but rather social and�Cultural�togetherness. Communion with oneself, with God, nature, the�World�of�Spirits�and with one's ancestors are also form of communication, communication studies was largely influenced by such needs and such�Research�as well as the rapid growth of the�Press�and later of the cinema,�Radio�and television. In�India�generally the primary focus of interest in communication is how the receiver makes sense of the stimful that he receive so as to deepen his self awareness.

8131310582 (hardcover) 9788131310588 (hardcover)

Mass media

