Saighal, Maj. Gen. Vinod.

Global security paradoxes 2000-2002 / Maj. Gen. Vinod Saighal. - [S.l.] : Manas Publications, 2004. - 232 p. ; 23 cm.

Global Security Paradoxes (2000-2020) analyses some of the burning issues of the day. In some respects the first few years of the new century have been as cataclysmic as the collapse of the Berlin Wall towards the close of the earlier century; the event that saw the dwindling of the superpower that had pinned its faith on communism as an opposing ideology to unbridled capitalism. Strangely enough, there main superpower, at its zenith, might be setting in motion a chain of events that could see it dwindle to the same extent as its erstwhile opponent. The interplay of nations for domination or plain aggrandizement has been the norm throughout history. The present decade, however, is seeing tectonic shifts that could hardly have been thought possible just a few years ago. One of the profound changes could be the fading out of the most enduring relationships of the last century, the Anglo-American entente. Britain is not the only case of a fundamental power shift that is taking place. Another paradox relates to Turkey. Turkey was one of the strongest pillars of NATO till the collapse of the Soviet Empire. In spite of that break up Turkey remained steadfast in its commitment to the West. There are other paradoxes that have been reflected in the book as well. In all, the book will make an interesting and absorbing read for those interested n international relations and politics.

8170491940 (hardcover) $62.00 9788170491941 (hardcover)

European Union
International relations
Nuclear disarmament
United States
World politics

