TY - BOOK TI - Peace & Stability operations U1 - 355 PY - 2013/// KW - A Case Study in Security Sector Reform: Learning from Security Sector Reform/ Building in Afghanistan (October 2002-September 2003), PKSOI Papers A Continuation Of Politics By Other Means: The “Politics” Of a Peacekeeping Mission In Cambodia (1992-93), Coalition Operations Handbook, The American military advisor: dealing with senior foreign officials in the Islamic world, BCT-PRT “unity of effort” reference guide, United nations peacekeeping operations: principles and guidelines, Civilian casualty mitigation, Defining command, leadership, and management success factors within stability operations, Democratic governance and the rule of law: lessons from Colombia, Finding the balance: U.S. Military and future operations, Female participation in formed police units, Fostering a police reform paradigm, Guiding principles for stabilization and reconstruction, Ground Truth in Building Human Security, KW - Guide to rebuilding public sector services in stability operations: a role for the military, Guide to rebuilding governance in stability operations: a role for the military, Harnessing post-conflict transitions: A conceptual primer, Hearts-and-minds: a strategy of conciliation, coercion, or commitment, Stability operations 2008 & 2011, Known Unknowns: Unconventional “Strategic Shocks” in Defense Strategy Development, Mass atrocity prevention and response options (MAPRO): a policy planning handbook, Maro mass atrocity response operations: a military planning handbook, Measuring progress in conflict environments, Peace & stability operations journal online, Protection of civilians military reference guide peacekeeping, Security sector reform: a case study approach to transition and capacity building, Security sector reform in Timor-Leste: missed opportunities and hard lessons in empowering the host-nation, Smart research: leveraging interns and fellows to enhance your research program, Adp-3-07 stability 2012, Stability techniques 2012, A Reference Guide for Interpreting Statistics and Creating Survey Questions, The state-owned enterprise as a vehicle for stability, KW - A to z guide to Afghanistan assistance, The government assistance center: a vehicle for transitioning to the host government, The new balance: limited armed stabilization and the future of u.s. Landpower, Time for a strategic and intellectual pause in Afghanistan, Toward a risk management defense strategy, Peace-keeping training, Transitions: issues, challenges and solutions in international assistance, U.s. Military forces and police assistance in stability operations: the least-worst option to fill the U.S. Capacity gap, Lessons learned from u.s. Government law enforcement in international operations, United nations infantry battalion manual volume i & ii, War, law and order case study: Australian whole-of-government efforts to develop the security and criminal justice sectors in stabilization ER -