Kux, Dennis.

India-pakistan negotiations / Dennis Kux. - Karachi Oxford University Press 2006 - 110 p.

India-Pakistan relations have been laden with hostility, mistrust, and historical grievances since the end of the British rule in 1947. This animosity has resulted in three wars, the Kargil Crisis, and many near-conflicts. Both countries have attempted to settle disputes and normalize relations through diplomatic negotiations, some successful and others not.This book provides a historical and current review of the trends of six key India-Pakistan negotiations, largely over shared resources and political boundaries. Reviewing these critical negotiations shows how both countries must exert robust, creative, and enduring leadership to achieve concrete, broad-based improvement in their bilateral relationship, and ultimately, in the security of the South Asian region.

0195474686 (paperback) 9780195474688 (paperback)

From the Raj to India and Pakistan
The India-Pakistan Negotiating Experience

327.5405491 / KUX 2006