Singh, Jasprit.

Electronic and optoelectronic properties of semiconductor structures / Jasprit Singh. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2003. - xxi, 532 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.

Introduction (Page-Xvi), Structure Properties of Semiconductors (Page-1), Semiconductor Band structure (Page-46), Band structure Modifications (Page-109), Transport: General Formalism (Page -152), Defect and Carrier-Carrier Scattering (Page-179), Lattice Vibrations: Phonon Scattering (Page-217), Velocity-Field Relations in Semiconductors (Page-260), Coherence, Disorder, and Microscopic Systems (Page-312), Optical Properties of Semiconductors (Page-345), Excitonic Effects and Modulation of Optical Properties (Page-402), Semiconductors in Magnetic fields (Page-441).



Semiconductors--Electric properties.
Semiconductors--Optical properties.
