Boylestad, Robert L.

Introductory circuit analysis / Robert L. Boylestad. - 6th ed. - Columbus, Ohio, Merrill [1972] - xiii, 864 p. illus. 25 cm. - Merrill's international series in electrical and electronics technology .

Introduction (Page-1), Current and Voltage (Page-29), Resistance (Page-55), Ohm’s Law, Power and Energy (Page-93), Series Circuits (Page-123), Parallel Circuits (Page-159), Series-Parallel Networks (Page-195), Methods of Analysis and Selected Topics (Page-229), Network Theorems (Page-289), Capacitors (Page-343), Magnetic Circuits (Page-395), Inductors (Page-427), Sinusoidal Alternating Waveforms (Page-459), The Basic Elements and Phasors (Page-507), Series and Parallel AC Circuits (Page-559).



Telecommunication Engineering.
