Principles of traveling wave tubes /
A.S. Gilmour, Jr.
- Boston : Artech House, c1994.
- xiii, 625 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
- Artech House radar library .
Introduction (Page-1), Static Fields Produced by Electrons (Page-11), Electron Motion in Static Electric Fields (Page-17),Influence of Magnetic Field on Electron Motion (Page-33), Cathodes (Page-47), Electron Guns (Page-103), Electron Beams (Page-151), Beam-Gap Interactions (Page-211), Electron Bunching (Page233), Traveling Wave Interaction (Page-273), Wave Velocities and Dispersion (Page-307), Helix TWTS (Page-323), Coupled Cavity TWTS (Page-359), Depressed Collectors (Page-395), Noise (Page-419), Nonlinearities and Distortion (Page-451), Breakdown and Protection (Page-463), Reliability (Page-507),