Foundations of digital signal processing : theory, algorithms and hardware design /
Patrick Gaydecki.
- London : Institution of Electrical Engineers, c2004.
- xxii, 462 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.+ CD-ROM (4 3/4 in.)
- IEE circuits, devices and systems series ; 15 .
Definitions and Applications of Digital Signal Processing (Page-1), A Linear Systems Toolbox (Page-15), An Introduction to High Level Computer Programming Using Delphi (Page-53), Analysis of Simple Electrical Systems Using Complex Impedance, Differential and Difference Equations (Page-117), Introduction to Convolution and Correlation (Page-153), Discrete Fourier Properties and Processing (Page-217), Introduction to Laplace space and The Laplace Transform (Page-253), An Introduction to z-Space, The z-Transform and Digital Filter Design (Page-277), Signal Sampling, Analog to Digital and Digital to Analog Conversion (Page-299), The Design and Implementation of Finite Impulse Response Filters (Page-325), The Deign and Implementation of Infinite Impulse Response Filters (Page-355).