Neural networks in telecommunications /
edited by Ben Yuhas, Nirwan Ansari.
- Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1994.
- xiv, 369 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Introduction (Page-1), Neural Networks for Switching (Page-11), Routing in Random Multistage Interconnection Networks (Page-37), ATM Traffic Control Using Neural Networks (Page-63), Learning from Rare Events (Page-91), A Neural Model for Adaptive Congestion Control in ATM Networks (Page-109), Structure and Performance of Neural Nets in Broadband Systems Admission Control (Page-127), Neural Network Channel Equalization (Page-143), Neural Networks as Excisers for Spread Spectrum Communication Systems (Page-173), Static and Dynamic Channel Assignment Using Simulated Annealing (Page-191), Cellular Mobile Communication Design using Self Organizing Feature Maps (Page-211), Automatic Language Identification Using Telephone Speech (Page-233),Text Independent Talker Verification using Cohort Normalized Scores (Page-255), Neural Network Applications in Character Recognition and Document Analysis (Page-271),