Agrawal, D. P.

Introduction to wireless and mobile systems / Dharma Prakesh Agrawal, Qing-An Zeng. - Pacific Grove, CA : Thomson Brooks/Cole, c2003. - xviii, 438 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Introduction (Page-1), Probability Statistics and Traffic Theories (Page-29), Mobile Radio Propagation (Page-59), Channel Coding (Page-81), The Cellular Concepts (Page-101), Multiple Radio Access (Page-121), Multidimensional Techniques (Page-139), Mobile Communication Systems (Page-185), Existing Wireless Systems (Page-215), Satellite Systems (Page-255), Network Protocols (Page-279), AD hoc and Sensor Network (Page-297), Wirless LAN and PANs (Page-349), Recent LANs and PANs (Page-377),



Telecommunication Engineering.
