Tutorial: fault-tolerant computing / [edited by] Victor P. Nelson and Bill D. Carroll. - Washington, D.C. : Los Angeles, CA : IEEE Computer Society Press ; Order from IEEE Computer Society, c1987. - vii, 419 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.

The Systems Analyst Designer (Page-1), Organization Anatomy (Page-18), Decision Tables (Page-42), Multiple Tables and Programming (Page-66), Data Collection & Control Systems (Page-86), Data Files Storage Media Capacities (Page-109), Data Files Organization Methods (Page-132), Analysis (Page-170) Design (Page-198), Implementation (Page-223), The Case Study (Page-249), The Decade Ahead (Page-261).

0818606770 (pbk.) 0818646772 (microfiche) 0818686774 (hard)


Fault-tolerant computing.
