Peikari, Behrouz.

Fundamentals of network analysis and synthesis / Behrouz Peikari - Jaico Pub House Prentice-Hall 2006 - xii, 500 p. : illus. 24 cm. - Prentice-Hall electrical engineering series. Solid state physical electronics series. Prentice-Hall networks series. .

Network Elements (Page 1-1), Network Characterization (Page 2-1), Network Graph Theory (Page 3-1), Analysis of Linear Time-Invariant Networks (Page 4-1), State-Variable Representation of Network (Page 5-1), Time0domain Solution of State Equations (Page 6-1), Computer Aided Network Analysis (Page 7-1), Passive and Active Network Synthesis (Page 8-1), Computer-Aided Network Design (Page 9-1), Small-Signal Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Networks (Page 10-1), Stability Analysis of Linear and Nonlinear Networks (Page 11-1).



Electric networks--Data processing.
