Wipfler, Arlene J.
Distributed processing in the CICS environment : A guide to MRO/ISC / IBM series
- NY Mc GrawHill
- 466
Introduction to CICS Intercommunication (Page-1), DTP and System Requirements (Page-31), SNA An Overview (Page-69), CICS Installation and Link Definitions (Page-91), Defining IC TRANSIDs, Programs and Profiles (Page-127), Transaction Routing (Page-141), Functions Shipping (Page-167), Asynchronous Processing (Page-203), Distributed Transaction Processing (Page-223), Initiating LUTYPE 6.2 Mapped Conversations (Page-233), LUTYPE 6.2 Mapped Conversation Data Exchanges (Page-257), Conclusion of LUTYPE 6.2 Mapped Conversations (Page-281), LUTYPE 6.2 Unmapped Conversations (Page-311), LUTYPE 6.1 and MRO Conversations (Page-345), CICS to IMS ISC (Page-373).