Lorrain, Paul.

Electromagnetic fields and waves [by] Paul Lorrain [and] Dale R. Corson. - 2nd ed. - San Francisco, W. H. Freeman [1970] - xxv, 706 p. illus. 25 cm.

Vectors (Page-1), Electro statistic Field I (Page-40), Electro statistic Field II (Page -40), Electro statistic Field III (Page-138), Relativity 1 (Page-193), Relativity II (Page-247), Magnetic Field I (Page-292), Magnetic Field II (Page-332), Magnetic Field III (Page-383), Maxwell’s Equations (Page-422), Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves I (Page-495), Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves II (Page-504), Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves III (Page-557), Radiation of Electromagnetic Waves (Page-595).



Electromagnetic fields.
Electromagnetic waves.

537.12, LOR