Adaptive dual control : theory and applications /
N.M. Filatov, H. Unbehauen.
- Berlin ; New York : Springer, c2004.
- xiv, 234 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
- Lecture notes in control and information sciences ; 302 .
- Lecture notes in control and information sciences ; .
Introduction (Page-1), Fundamentals of Dual Control (Page-6), Survey of Dual Control Methods(Page-14), Bicriterial Synthesis Method for Dual Controllers (Page-33), Convergence and Stability of Adaptive Dual Control(Page-55),Dual Pole-Placement Controller with Direct Adaptation (Page-62),Dual Model Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC) (Page-75), Dual Control for Multivariable Systems in State Space Representation (Page-85), A Simplified Approach to The Synthesis of Dual Controllers with Indirect Adaptation (Page-105), Dual Pole-Placement and LQG Controllers with Indirect Adaptation (Page-119), Application of Dual Controllers to the Speed Control of a Thyristor-Driven DC-Motor (Page-130), Application of Dual Controllers to a Laboratory Scale Vertical Take-Off Airplane(Page-135),Robustness Against Unmodeled Effects And System Stability (Page-148),Dual Modification of Predictive Adaptive Controllers (Page-160),Simulation Studies and Real-Time Control using MATLAB/SIMULINK (Page-166), Conclusion (Page-206).