Chew, Al H.

Technical mathematics / Al H. Chew, Richard L. Little, and Sherry B. Little. - Boston : Houghton Mifflin, c1976. - xii, 397 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.

Tools of the Trade: Whole Numbers (Page-2), Computations with Fractions (Page-29), Ratio Proportion and Equations (Page-5), Decimal Numbers and Special Notation (Page-64), Directed Numbers Special Coefficients (Page-82), Equations and formulas (Page-104), Exponents and Logarithms (Page-135), Coordinate System and Graphs (Page-161), Special Graphs in the Plane (Page-190), Basic Geometry and Linear Measurement (Page-220), Measurement of Plane and Solid Fiqures (Page-253), Numerical Trigonometry (Page-314), Trigonometry of Oblique Triangles (Page-335).



