
Modern school mathematics: structure and method (Course-1) / Mary P. Dolciani [and others] - New ed. - Boston, Houghton Mifflin [1967 - 548 p.: illus. 25 cm. - Houghton Mifflin modern mathematics series .

Sets and Numbers (Page-5), Properties of Addition and Subtraction in the set of Whole Numbers (Page-33), Properties of Multiplication and Division in the Set of Whole Numbers (Page-69), Numbers and Numerals (Page-103), Algorithms of Arithmetic (Page-137), Sets and Geometry (Page-167), Number Theory (Page-211), Line and Angle Relationships (Page-251), Coordinate Systems on a Line (Page-289), Fractions and Rational Numbers (Page-325), Decimals for Rational Numbers (Page-371), Measurement and Geometry (Page-409), Percentage and Statistics (Page-463), The Set of integers (Page-499).


