Modern school mathematics algebra 1 /
MAry P. Dolciani, Willian Wooton etc.
- California California state series 1967
- 650 p.:
The Basic Language of Algebra (Page-1), Addition and Multiplication of Real Numbers (Page-46), Solving Equations and Problems (Page-94), Order in the Set of Real Numbers (Page-144), Open Sentences in two Variables (Page-188), Systems of Open Sentences in two Variables (Page-222), Polynomials and their Factors (Page-266), Polynomials and Rational Expressions (Page-306), Rational Expressions in Open Sentences and Problems (Page-344), Functions and Their Graphs (Page-376), Irrational Numbers and Quadratic Equations (Page-418), Digital Computer Methods (Page-472), Systems of Equations in three Variables (Page-510), Trigonometry and Vectors (Page-544), Statistics and Probability (Page-586).