
Mathematics for liberal Arts / Morris Kline - California Addison Wesley 1967 - 577:p

Why Mathematics (Page-1), A Historical Orientation (Page-11), Logic and Mathematics (Page-30), Number the Fundamentals Concepts (Page-58), Algebra the Higher Arithmetic (Page-94), The Nature and Uses of Euclidean Geometry (Page-123), Charting the Earth and the Heavens (Page-153), The Mathematical order of Nature (Page-187), The awakening of Europe (Page-197), Mathematics and Painting in the Renaissance (Page-209) Projective Geometry (Page-232) Coordinate Geometry (Page-250) The Simplest Formulas in Action (Page-280) Parametric Equations and Curvillnear Motions (Page-326) The Differential Calculus (Page-365), Trigonometric Function and Oscillatory (Page-416), The Trigonometric analysis of Musical Sounds (Page-436), Non Euclidean Geometries and Their Significance (Page-452), Arithmetic’s and Their Algebra (Page-478), The Statistical Approach to the Social and Biological Sciences (Page-499), The Theory of Probability (Page-522), The Natures and Values of Mathematics (Page-541).


