Programming with Visual C++
Hitesh Sanghavi
- Mumbai Vikas pub House 2002
- 492p
Introduction To OOPS and VC++ (Page-1), C++ Getting Started (Page-7), Data Abstraction (Page-15), Operator Overloading (Page-23), Pointer In C++ (Page-26), Inheritance (Page-35), Files (Page-41), C++ Short Notes (Page-44), Exploring VC++ 6.0 Environment (Page-50), The Structure of Windows (Page-63), Types of Windows (Page-71), The Window Procedure (Page-85), Visual C++ 6.0 Introduction (Page-99), MFC Programming (Page-111), MFC Window Messages (Page-119), Memory Management (Page-127), Programming Menus (Page-136), Accelerators and Mouse (Page-162), MFC Class Library (Page-173), SDI With Appwizerad (Page-184), MDI Multiple Document Interface (Page-221), MDI Project Browser (Page-229), Dialog Boxes (Page-247), List Box, Edit Box and Spin Controls (Page-265),Buttons, Toolbar, String Table and Status Bar (Page-278), Windows Graphics (Page-249), Exploring GDI (Page-377),Fonts and Bitmaps (Page-321), GDI Project Freehand (Page-337), MFC and VC++ 6.0 Special Features (Page-346), Object Linking and Embedding (Page-358), OLE Automation, OLE Controls and Dynamic Link Libraries (Page-375), Serialization (Page-395), Debugging and Exceptions (Page-503), Appwizard (Page-424), Scribble Creating the View (Page-445), SCRIBBLE User Interface With App Studio (Page-457), SCRIBBLE Binding Visual Objects (Page-465), SCRIBBLE Adding Dialog Box (Page-476),