Jones, Bradley.

Teach yourself advanced C in 21 days / Bradley L. Jones, Gregory L. Guntle. - 1st ed. - Indianapolis, Ind. : Sams Pub., 1994. - xxvii, 878 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. + 1 computer disk (3 1/2 in.)

Includes index.

Storage Space (Page-4), Complex Data Types (Page-31), Lists And Trees (Page-67), Tapping Into Sys Resources (Page-103), Efficiency And Porting (Page-133), Number Systems (Page-169), Using Libraries (Page-201), Tapping Into System Resources Via BIOS (Page-229), Text Graphics (Page-263), The Getline Function (Page-295), Building A Routine Library (Page-331), System Analysis And Design (Page-353), The User Interface (Page-381), Enhancing The User Interface (Page-443), File Routines (Page-531), Reporting (Page-665), Finishing Touches (Page-713), Where To Go From Here (Page-737), Memory Models (Page-753).

Almirah No.5 and Shelf No.2



C (Computer program language)
