Quantum mechanics /
Leonard I. Schiff
- 2nd ed.
- London McGraw-Hill 1955
- 417 p.
The Physical Basis of Quantum Mechanics (Page-1), The Schrodinger Wave Equation (Page-17), Eigenfucation and Eigen values (Page-41), Discrete Eigen values Energy Levels (Page-60), Continuous Eigen values Collision Theory (Page-92), Matrix Formation of Quantum Mechanics (Page-122), Approximation Methods for Station Problems (Page-151), Approximation Methods for Time Dependent Problems (Page-195), Identical Particles and Spin (Page-222), Atoms Molecules and Nuclei (Page-277), Relativistic Wave Equations (Page-318), The Quantization of Wave Fields (Page-342), Quantum Electrodynamics (Page-373).