College physics
[by] Franklin Miller, Jr.
- 3d ed.
- New York, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich [1972]
- xviii, 749 p. illus. 24 cm.
The Nature of Physics (Page-1), Structure and Properties of Matter (Page-14), Kinematics-The Description of Motion (Page-25), Dynamics (Page-57), Statics (Page-81), Conservation of Momentum and Energy (Page-110), Relativity (Page-140), Rotation (Page-163), Elasticity and Vibration (Page-195), Wave Motion (Page-219), Interference and Stationary Waves (Page-238), Fluids (Page-261), Temperature and Expansion (Page-287), Heat and Heat Transfer (Page-300), Thermal Behavior of Gases (Page-319), The Theory of Heat (Page-336), Electric Charge (Page-357), Electric Field (Page-376), Electric Energy (Page-399), Electric Circuits (Page-411) ,Electromagnetism (Page-437), Applied Electricity (Page-463), Electromagnetic Waves (Page-491), Geometrical Optics (Page-509), Wave Optics (Page-536), Applied Optics (Page-567), Electrons and Photons (Page-590), The Outer Atom (Page-609), The Nucleus (Page-629), Applied Nuclear Physics (Page-654).