Symmetrical components as applied to the analysis of unbalanced electrical circuits with an introduction by C.L. Fortescue; used as a text in the design course of the Westinghouse graduate school /
C.F. Wagner and R.D. Evans
- 1st ed
- McGraw-Hill New York, London 1933
- xvi, 437 p illus diagrs 24 cm
Introduction (Page-1), Fundamental Principles (Page-9), Calculation of Unbalanced Faults (Page-26), Illustration of Unbalanced Fault Calculation (Page-52), Constants of Synchronous Machines (Page-74), Constants of Transformers (Page-111), Constants of Short Transmission Lines Without Ground Wires (Page-136), Constants of Short Transmission Lines With Ground Wires (Page-163), Constants of Long Transmission Lines (Page-182), Constants of Cables (Page-198), Power System Voltages and Currents Under Fault Condition (Page-222), Simultaneous Faults (Page-238), Determination of Sequence Quantities from Phase Quantities (Page-259), Measurement of Sequence Voltages and Currents (Page-271), Measurement of power Quantities on Polyphase Circuits (Page-306), Multiphase Systems (Page-328), Inducation Motors (Page-345), Unsymmetrical System and Phase- Balancers (Page-363).
Wagner C.F.
Symmetrical components as applied to the analysis of unbalanced electrical circuits