Handbook of Line Communication Royal Signals - London Her Majesty's Stationery 1947 - 905:p

An Introduction to Line Communication (Page-1) Mathematics (Page-20) Direct Currents (Page-118) Alternating Currents Ac Circuits (Page-187) Metal Rectifier and Power Supplies (Page-275) Thermionic Valves (page-323) Valve Amplifiers (Page-376) Feedback (Page-421) Oscillators (page-463) Modulation (Page-493) The Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (Page-532) Four-Terminal Networks (Page-561) Attenuation and Attenuators (Page-605) Filters (page-635) Line Transmission (Page-703) Mathematical Treatment Line Transmission (Page-749)

Almirah No.129 Shelf No.4

