Electronics Mathematics: Algebra, Trignometry and Calculus /
Gregory J. Nunz and William L. Shaw
- Vol :2,
- New York, McGraw-Hill, [c1967]
- 370p 23 cm.
Introduction (Page-), Review of arithmetic (Page-4), Review of fractions and decimals (Page-29), Powers and roots (Page-66), Physical quantities, units and dimensions (Page-87), Calculation aids: the slide rule (Page-104), Beginning Algebra (Page-128), Equations and formulas (Page-155), Introduction to mathematics of the D-C circuit (Page-176), Algebraic functions, factoring and fractional equations (Page-205), Parallel and series-parallel d-c circuits (Page-241), Linear functions and graphs (Page-257), Simultaneous equations and Kirchhoff's laws (Page-285).