
Applied mathematics for engineers and Physicists / Louis A Pipes - 2nd ed - London, New York, Mc Graw Hill 1971. - xiii, 723 p. illus. 24 cm. - mathematics for scientists and engineers .

Infinite Series (Page-1), Complex Numbers (Page-37), Mathematical Representation of Periodic Phenomena, Fourier Series and The Fourier Integral (Page-48), Linear Algebraic Equations, Determinants and Matrices (Page-69), The Solution of Transcendental and Polynomial Equations (Page-118), Linear Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients (Page-128), Laplace Transforms of use in the Solution of Differential Equations (Page-149), Oscillations of Linear Lumped Electrical Circuits (Page-162), Vibrations of Elastic Systems with a Finite Number of Degrees of Freedom (Page-194), The Differential Equations of The Theory of Structures (Page-245), The Calculus of Finite Differences and Linear Equations with Constant Coefficients (Page-273), Partial Differentiation (Page-304), The Gamma, Beta and Error Functions (Page-339), Bessel Functions (Page-346), Legendre’ s Differential Equation and Legendre Polynomials (Page-363), Vector Analysis (Page-374), The Wave Equations (Page-427), Simple Solutions of Laplace’s Differential Equations (Page-471), The Equation of Heat Conduction or Diffusion (Page-493), The Elements of the Theory of the Complex Variable (Page-513), Operational And Transform Methods (Page-583), The Analysis of Nonlinear Oscillatory Systems (Page-656).



Engineering mathematics.
