Physics : basic principles /
Solomon Gartenhaus.
- Combined ed.
- New York : Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, c1977.
- xxiv, 1064, xlv p. : ill.
Physical Quantities and Their Measurement (Page-1), Kinematics in one Dimension (Page-25) Twp-Dimensional Kinematics(Page-53), The Law of Newton (Page-89), Application of Newton’s Law (Page-123), The Harmonic Oscillator (Page-155), Work and Kinetic Energy (Page-187), Potential Energy and Energy Conservation (Page-217), The Law of Momentum Conservation (Page-251), Angular Momentum and Planetary Motion (Page-283), The Dynamics of Systems of Particles (Page-317), The Motion of a Rigid body (Page-349), Pressure in Fluids (Page-383), Pressure in Fluids-ii (Page-415), Temperature and its Measurement (Page-449), Heat and The First Law of Thermodynamics (Page-479), Entropy and The Second law of Thermodynamics (Page-511), Waves (Page-543), Coulombs (Page-575),The Electrostatics Field and Gauss law (Page-603), The Electrostatics potential(Page-637), Dielectric Materials and Capacitors (Page-667), The Electric Current (Page-699), Elementary Circuit Theory (Page-727), The Magnetic Field (Page-755), Magnetic Forces (Page-787), Faradays law of Magnetics Indication (Page-819), Inductance and Magnetic Materials (Page-851), Maxwell’s Equations and Electromagnetic Waves (Page-883), The Properties of light (Page-915), Mirrors and lenses (Page-941), Interference and diffraction (Page-975), Polarization (Page-1015), Equivoque (Page-1043).