Usmani, Muhammad Taqi

Spiritual discourses (Vol-2) / Justice Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani - Karachi Darul- Ishaat - 384:p .:

Do Not Neglect Deeds for the Sake of Other Creatures (Pege-27), Cure for Those Who Consider other People Inferior (Page-39), Style is Arrogance (Page-49), How to Seek Pardon When a Junior is Wronged (Page-60), Baseness of Spirit- A Cure for Arrogance (Page-73), To Put Off Pious Deeds for the Month of Ramadhan (Page-83), What is Mujahadah (Page-97), The Mushtahabb Mujahadah and Restraint in Four Things (Page-113), Difference Between Voluntary and Involuntary Mujahadah (Page-123), The Path to ALLAH (Page-134), The Reality of Tasarruf (Page-143), Correcting the Base Instinctive Character (Page-153), The Need for a SHAYKH and the Reality of his Prayer and Attention (Page-161), Courage and Sincerity (Page-169), Constancy in Deeds (Page-1800, How to Establish A Relationship with ALLAH (Page-191), Spiritual Discources- Importance of ZIKR (Page-205), Different Methods of ZIKR (Page-217), Shutting the Eyes in SALAH (Page-231), Abiding by the Regular Devotional Practice (Page-239).

Duties in Islam
