Proceedings of the symposium on modern advances in microwave techinques: Volume IV /
Edited by Jerome Fox
- Brooklyn, N.Y. Distributors, Halsted Press 1959
- xv,482 p.; illus 23 cm
Historical Notes on Microwave (Page-1), Some Advance in Microwave Tubes (Page-25), New Advance in Guided Propagation (Page-59), Traveling Wave Tubes and Backward Wave Tubes (Page-83), Development in Broadband and High Power (Page-123), New Magnetron Principles (Page-133), Millimeter Tubes (Page-145), Problems of Producing Low Noise Electron (Page-159), Principles of Gyrator Networks (Page-175), Experiment on the Microwave Faraday and Cotton Mouton Effect (Page-205), Propagation of Fields Through Ferrite Loaded Guides (Page-215), Fundamental Design Principles of Ferrite Devices (Page-229), Principles of Directional Coupling in Reciprocal Systems (Page-251), Network Methods in Microwave Measurements (Page-271), A Comparison of Microwave Power Measurement (Page-309), Measurements Technique for Multimode (Page-325), Measurements Techniques at Millimeters (Page-355).