Arnold, Vladimir. I.

Lectures on partial differential equations / Vladimir I. Arnold ; translated by Roger Cooke. - Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag, c2004. - x, 157 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - Universitext .

The General Theory Of The First Order Equations (Page-1), The General Theory for one First-Order Equation (Page-11), Huygens Principles In The Theory Of Wave Propagation (Page-21), The Vibrating String (d'Alembert's Methode) (Page-27), The Fourier Method (Page-35), The Theory Of Oscillations (Page-41), Properties Of Harmonic Functions (Page-65), The Double Layer Potential (Page-93), Spherical Functions (Page-105), Problems (Page-149).



Differential equations, Partial.
