Engelson, Morris.

Spectrum analyzer theory and applications [by] Morris Engelson [and] Fred Telewski. - [Dedham, Mass.] Artech House [1974] - ix, 292 p. illus. 24 cm. - Modern frontiers in applied science .

Part.1: Measurement Theory(Page-3) Spectrum Analysis (Page-5) Spectrum Theory (Page-17) Fourier Analysis (page-43) Modulation theory (page-85) The Sweeping-signal Spectrum analyzer (apge-111) Part .ii : Measurement Practice (page-131) The Measurement Problem (page-133) Amplitude Modulation (page-157) Frequency Modulation (page-167) Pulsed RF (Page-191) Miscellaneous Application (page-219) Definitions of Terms (Page-245)

Almirah No. 33 Shelf No. 4



Modulation (Electronics)
Telecommunication Engineering
