Electronic circuits and tubes : the electronics training staff /
Editors by Harry E. Clifford and Alexander H. Wing
- New York McGraw-Hill Book Co 1947
- xxiv, 994p.; diagrs 24 cm.
Alternating Current Theory (Page-1), Circuit Response (Page-21), Circuit Elements (Page-52), Measurement of Circuit Elements (Page-79), Measurement of Circuit Elements (Page-79), Network and Impedance Matching (Page-98), Transients (Page-126), Coupled Circuits (Page-176), Filters (Page-209), Fourier Analysis (Page-236), Electron Emission and the Diode (Page-260), Multielement Tubes (Page-272), Cathode-Ray Tubes (Page-304), Amplifiers Class A and Class B (Page-325), Power Tubes (Page-423), Oscillators (Page-482), Gas Filled Tubes (Page-521), Rectifiers and Power Supplies (Page-534), Signal Analysis (Page-579), Principles of Modulation (Page-612), Methods of Modulation (Page-648), Detection (Page-674), Test Instruments (Page-717), Radio Receivers (Page-741), Timing Circuits (Page-783).