Fundamentals of semiconductor and tube electronics /
H . Alex Romanowitz
- New york John Wiley and sons 1962
- 620p
Basic Circuit Theory (Page-1), Three Laboratory Instruments (Page-46), Semiconductors and Crystal Diodes (Page-85), Applications of Crystal Diodes (Page-109), Diode Tubes (Page-125), Rectifiers, Power Supplies and Filters (Page-149), The Vacuum Triode (Page-186), Transistors (Page-207), Triodes in Action- Vacuum Tube and Transistor Voltage Amplification (Page-229), Amplifier Characteristics-Tube and Transistor Circuits (Page-257), Special Amplifiers and Features (Page-308), Power Amplifiers (Page-330), Feedback Amplifiers and Oscillators (Page-374), Non Sinusoidal Oscillators-Pulse Forming and Switching Circuits (Page-410), Glow and Arc Discharge Tubes (Page-449), Electronic Power Conversion (Page-476), Photoelectric Devices (Page-497), Application of Electronic Principles in Practical Circuits (Page-522), Microminiaturization in Electronics (Page-562)