Shaw, Bernard

Back to methuselah a metabiological pentateuch / Bernard Shaw - London Constable & Co. 1931 - 253 p.;

The infidel half century (Page-vii), The Dawn of Darwinism (Page-vii), The Advent of the Neo-Darwinians (Page-viii), Political Inadequacy of the Human Animal (Page-ix), Cowardice of the Irreligious (Page-x), Is there any Hope in Education? (Page-xi), Homeopathic Education (Page- xiii), The Diabolical EfBciency of Technical Education (Page- xv), Flimsiness of Civilization (Page- xvii), Creative Evolution (Page-xvi), Voluntary Longevity (Page-xvi), The Early Evolutionists (Page- xx), The Advent of the Neo-Lamarckians (Page- xxiii), How Acquirements are Inherited (Page- xxiv), The Miracle of Condensed Recapitulation (Page- xxvi), Heredity an Old Story (Page- xxxl), Discovery Anticipated by Divination (Page- xxxii), Corrected Dates for the Discovery of Evolution (page-xxxiv)Defying the Lightning: a Frustrated Ex- periment (Page- xxxvi), In Quest of the First Cause (Page-), Paley's Watch (Page-), The Irresistible Cry of Order, Order! (Page- xxxvm), The Moment and the Man (Page- xl), The Brink of the Bottomless Pit (Page- xli), Why Darwin Converted the Crowd (Page- xliii), How We Rushed Down a Steep Place (Page- xlvi), Darwinism not Finally Refutable (Page- xlviii), Back to Methuselah (Page- vi), Three Blind Mice(Page- Iv), The Greatest of These is Self -Control , (Page- lix), A Sample of Lamarcko-Shavian Invective (Page- Ix), The Humanitarians and the Problem of Evil. (Page- Ixii), How One Touch of Darwin Makes the Whole World Kin (Page- Ixiv), Why Darwin Pleased the Socialists (Page- Ixv), Darwin and Karl Marx (Page- Ixviii), Why Darwin Pleased the Profiteers also (Page- Ixix), The Poetry and Purity of Materialism (Page- Ixxi), The Viceroys of the King of Kings (Page- Ixxiii), Political Opportunism in Excelsis (Page- Ixxv), The Betrayal of Western Civilization (Page- IxxvII), Circumstancial Selection in Finance (Page- Ixxix), The Homeopathic Reaction against Darwinism (Page- Ixxx), Religion and Romance(Page- Ixxxiii), The Danger of Reaction (Page- Ixxxv), A Touchstone for Dogma (Page- Ixxxvi), What to do with the Legends (Page- Ixxxviii), A Lesson from Science to the Churches (Page- Ixxxix), The Religious Art of the Twentieth Century (Page- xc), The Artist-Pfrophets (Page- xcii), Evolution in the Theatre (Page- xciv), My Own Part in the Matter (Page- xcviii).

