Roddy, Dennis

Electronic communications / Dennis Roddy, John Coolen. - 4th ed. - Reston, Va. : Reston Pub. Co., c1995. - xii, 788 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Passive Circuits (Page-1), Waveform Spectra (Page-57), Digital Line Waveforms (Page-91), Noise (Page-118), Tuned Small Signal Amplifiers, Mixers and Active Filters (Page-153), Oscillators (Page-195), Receivers (Page-224), Amplitude Modulation (Page-252), Single Sideband Modulation (Page-297), Angle Modulation (Page-321), Pulse Modulation (Page-383), Digital Communications (Page-413), Transmission Lines and Cables (Page-467), Waveguides (Page-519), Radio Wave Propagation (Page-536), Antennas (Page-579), Telephone Systems (Page-628), Facsimile and Television (Page-660), Satellite Communications (Page-711), Fiber Optic Communications (Page-748).

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Telecommunication Engineering
