K.D. Prasad

Antenna and wave propagation K.D.Prasad - New Delhi Prentice-Hall 2005 - 1282 p illus 24 cm

Introduction (Page-1) The Antennas and Introductory Mathematics (Page-12) Static Electric Field and Stead Electric Current (Page-97) Static magnetic Field and Stead Electric Current (Page-246) Electromagnetic Field and Its Radiations (Page-353) Antenna Terminology (Page-529) Antenna Arrays (Page-601) Practical Antennas part 1 (Page-684) Practical Antennas part II (Page-772) Transmission Line Feeders, Wave Guides and Matching Networks (Page-881) Radio Wave Propagation (Page-1102)

Almirah No.38 Shelf No.3

Telecommunication engineering
