Ohrtman, Frank.

Voice over 802.11 / Frank Ohrtman. - Boston : Artech House, c2004. - xv, 258 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - Artech House telecommunications library .

Overview of Vo802.11 (Page-1), 802.11:Alternative Access (Page-5), Voice over Internet Protocol (Page-25), Switching TDM and VolP Networks (Page-49), Objections to Vo802.11 (Page-77), Vo802.11: Range is a Matter of Engineering (Page-83), Security and Vo802.11 (Page-97), Objections Due to Interference and QoS on Vo802.11 Wireless Networks (Page-129), Engineering Vo802.11 Networks for Maximum QoS (Page-155), Scalability in Wireless VoIP Networks (Page-171), Vo802.11 Reliability (Page-183), Vo802.11 Features and Applications (Page-193), Regulatory Consideration for Vo802.11 Networks (Page-207), Economics of Vo802.11 Networks (Page-217), Conclusion: Vo802.11 is the Future of Voice Communications (Page-233).

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Telecommunication engineering
