Wireless telegraphy : notes for students (covering the post-master-general’s air licence for W/T operators) /
compiled by W. E. Crook ...
- 3rd ed
- London, Sir I. Pitman & sons, ltd., 1942
- vii, 189 p illus diagrs 22 cm
Wireless Communication (Pag-1), Electricity (Page-5), Inductance (Page-17), Capacity (Page-27), Alternating Currents (Page-34), The Oscillatory Circuit (Page-56), The Thermionic Valve (Page-64), Transmission (Page-83), Radio Telephony (Page-95), Amplifiers (Page-102), Selectivity (Page-117), Aerial Systems (Page-128), Direction Finding (Page-138), Instruments (Page-155), Power Supplies (Page-164), Short Wave Apparatus (Page-182), The Aircraft Installations (Page-189).