Rapson, Ernest Thomas Arthur

Problems in radio engineering / Ernest Thomas Arthur Rapson - 7th ed. - London Sir I. Pitman 1958 - vii, 158 p.;

Capacitance and Capacitors (Page-1), Self-Inductance (Page-8), Series Circuits (Page-12), Parallel and Compound Circuits (Page-15), Series Resonance (Page-21), Parallel Resonance (Page-25), Resonance Curves and Decrement (Page-27), Mutual Inductance and Coupled Circuits (Page-29), Damped Oscillations (Page-38), Detection (Page-39), Valves and Their Characteristics (Page-40), The Valve as Detector (Page-47), The Valve as Amplifier (Page-50), Negative Feedback and the Cathode Follower (Page-63), The Valve as Generator (Page-66), Superheterodyne Reception (Page-71), Tracking (Page-72), Automatic Control (Page-74), The Valve Reactor (Page-77), Modulation (Page-78), Transmitters (Page-84), Frequency control and Stabilization (Page-85), Receivers (Page-87), Selectivity (Page-87), Field Strength (Page-88), Aerial Resistance and Efficiency (Page-90), Aerial Arrays (Page-92), Receiving Aerials (Page-96), Frame Aerials (Page-97), Aerial Tuning (Page-101), Direction Finding (Page-101), Aerial Stresses (Page-102), Propagation (Page-104), Reproducers and Microphones (Page-105), Filters (Page-108), Attenuators (Page-113), Power Supplies (Page-118), Transmission Lines (Page-120), Measurements (Page-127), Measuring Instruments (Page-131), A.C Bridges (Page-132), Cathode-Ray Tubes and Time Bases (Page-135), Wavemeters (Page-139), Television (Page-140), Acoustics (Page-140), Miller Effect (Page-141), Miscellaneous (Page-142), Radio Service Work (Page-144).

