Instructional television : status and directions / Jerrold Ackerman and Lawrence Lipsitz, editors. - Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Educational Technology Publications, c1977. - xii, 217 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.

Keynote to Volume: A Challenge to Dream (Page-3), Synopsis of Television in Education (Page-7), Instructional Development in Instructional Television (Page-15), A Cognitive Approach to Media (Page-49),Instructional Television: do we the Courage to Succeed? (Page-59), A Working Models Of Instructional Television (Page-65),College Credit Course by Open Circuits Television (Page-75), ITV/ETV Evaluation (Page-85), Instructional Television: The Medium whose Future Has Passed (Page-95), Instructional Television: Interaction and Learning Objective (Page-109), In-School Television and The New Technology (Page-123), Videodiscs, or the Individualization Of Instructional Television (Page-133), Instructional Television: Yesterday Magic (Page-147), Improving ITV, S Instructional Image (Page-153).



Television in education.
