Hein , Morris

Chemistry Foundations of College Morris Hein - USA - 395"p

Introduction (Page-1), Standards for Measurements (Page-7), Properties of Matter (Page-24), Elements and Compounds (Page-38), Atomic Theory and Structure (Page-49), The Formation of Compounds from Atoms (Page-74), The Periodic Arrangement of the Elements (Page-95), Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds (Page-104), Quantitative Composition of Compounds (Page-116), Chemical Equations (Page-128), The Gaseous Sate of Matter (Page-143), Water and the Property of Liquids (Page-166), Solutions (Page-187), Ionization Acids, Bases, Salts (Page-208),Calculations from Chemical Equations (Page-232), Oxidation Reeducation (Page-249), Radioactivity and Atomic Energy (Page-260), Chemical Equilibrium (Page-278), Carbon and Its Compounds Organic Chemistry (Page-299), Chemistry of Some Selected Elements (Page-331).

