Chemistry for changing times /
John W. Hill.
- 4rt ed. /
- New York : Library of Congress c1984.
- xi, 558p; col. ill. ; 26 cm.
Chemistry: A Science for all Seasons (Page-1), Atoms: Are They for Real (Page-26), A tomic Structure: Images of the Ivisible (Page-39), Nuclear Chemistry : The Heart of Matter (page-60), Chemical Bonds: The Ties That Bind (Page-88), Names, Formulas, and Equations The Language of Chemistory (Page-107), Acids and Bases: Please pass the Protons (Page-127), Oxidation and Reduction: Burn and Unburn (Page-140), Chemistory of the Earth: Metalas and Minerals (Page-156), Organic Chemistory: The Hydrocarbons(Page-172), Organic Chemistry : Some Hors d'Oeuvres (Page-184), Polymers: Giants among Molecules (Page-203), Energy: A Fuels Paradise (Page-226), Enwergy: Future Altrnatives (Page-249), Air: Breath of Life ... Or Death (Page-269), Water: To Drink and to Dump Out Wastes (Page-296), Farm Chemistry: Food For a Hungry World (Page-3200, Food: Those Incredible Edible Chemicals (Page-347), Food Additives: Bane or Blessing? (Page-377), Household Chemicals: Helps and Hazard (Page-396), Cosmetics: The Chemistry of Charm (Page-414), Chemotherapy: From Colds to Cancer (Page-429), Drugs: Chemistry and the Human mind (Page-459), Sports: The Chemical Connectuion (Page-488), Chemical Toxicology: Hemlock, Anyone? (Page-502),.