Amos, Stanley William

Radio receivers and transmitters / S. W. Amos and F. W. Kellaway - 2nd ed., rev - Chapman & Hall, London, 1948 - xii, 356 p illus 23 cm

Introduction to the Subject (Page-1), Inductance (Page-20), Capacitance (Page-41), Resonant and Couple Circuits (Page-68), The Propagation of Radio Waves: and Aerials for Transmission and Reception (Page-101), Valves of Amplification Detection (Page-120), The Output Stage, The Loadspeaker and Negative Feedback (Page-175), RF Amplification, Straight Receivers and if Amplification (Page-230), Oscillators Superheterodyne Receivers for AM,FM & TV (Page-263), Transmitters for Telegraphy AM,FM Broadcasts & TV (Page-299).

Amos, Stanley William

Radio receivers and transmitters,
