Maintanance of High Speed Diesel Engines /
Arthur W. Judge
- 3rd ed.
- London Chapman and Hall 1949
- 307p
Working Principles (Page-1), The C.I. Engine in Practice (Page-9), General Maintenance of C.I. Events (Page-31), The Engine Components (Page-55), The Pistons and Piston Rings (Page-90), The Valves and Valve Seating’s (Page-109), The Connecting Rod and Crankshaft (Page-126), The Fuel Injection Systems (Page-135), Timing the Fuel Pump The Governor (Page-187), Starting Procedure and Running Troubles (Page-205), Glow Plugs Filters Fuels etc. (Page-220), The C.A.V. Fuel Injection Equipments (Page-235).