Sklar, Bernard,

Digital communications : fundamentals and applications / Bernard Sklar. - Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, c1988. - xxiv, 776 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Signals and Spectra (Page-1), Formatting and Baseband Modulation (Page-55), Baseband Demodulation/Detection (Page-104), BandPass Modulation and Demodulation/Detection (Page-167), Communications Link Analysis (Page-242), Channel Coding Part-I (Page-304), Channel Coding: Part-II (Page 381), Channel Coding: Part-III (Page-436), Modeling and Coding Trade Offs (Page-520), Synchronization (Page-598), Multiplexing and Multiple Access (Page-656), Spread Spectrum Techniques (Page-718), Source Coding (Page-803), Encryption and decryption (Page-890), Fading Channels (Page-944), A Review of Fourier Techniques (Page-1012), Fundamentals of Statistical Decision Theory (Page-1035).

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Digital communications.
