Hill, Fredrick J.

Introduction to switching theory and logical design / Fredrick J. Hill [and] Gerald R. Peterson. - New York, Wiley [1968] - xiii, 449 p. illus. 23 cm.

Introduction (Page-1), Number System (Page-8), Truth Functions (Page-19), Boolean Algebra (Page-37), Switching Devices (Page-60), Minimization Of Boolean Functions (Page-79), Tabular Minimization And Multiple Output Circuits (Page-119), Codes And Some Special Realizations (Page-154), Introduction To Sequential Circuits (Page-174), Clocked Sequential Circuits (Page-186), Incompletely Specified Sequential Circuits (Page-250), Pulse Mode Circuits (Page-286), Fundamental Mode Sequential Circuits (Page-302), Combinational Functions With Special Properties (Page-346), Threshold Logic (Page-379), Codes And Linear Sequential Circuits (Page-406).



Digital electronics.
Logic design.
Switching theory.
