Silicon compilation / edited by Daniel D. Gajski. - Reading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., c1988. - x, 450 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.

Introduction to Silicon Compilation (Page-1), Design of Module Generators and Silicon Compilers (Page-49), Knowledge-Base System for IC Design (Page-95), An Intelligent Composition Tool for Regular and Semiregular VLSI Structures (Page-113), The VLSI Design Automation Assistant: an Architecture Compiler (Page-122), Algorithmic System Compilation: Silicon Compilation for System Designers (Page-153), The Yorkrown Silicon Compiler (Page-204), Cathedral 2: A Synthesis System for Multiprocessor DSP (Page-311), The Genesil Silicon Compiler (Page-361), Design Methodologies of the Concorde Silicon Compiler (Page-406).

0201099152 :


Integrated circuits--Very large scale integration--Design and construction--Data processing.
Silicon compilers.
